Brian Reed


Reeds Biking

Biking with his family just outside Springdale, Utah – Brian still represents Golden’s Banquet Beer


After being out of the workforce for over 10 years as a stay-at-home Dad, Brian stepped back into this job as Community Relations Director for the Golden Civic Foundation.  He’s lived in Golden for over 20 years and has seen the direct impact that the Golden Civiic Foundation has had on this town.  Having been a Manager and Bartender at Silverheels (now Old Capitol Grill) and Head Coach of the Golden Marlins for over 6 years, Brian had the opportunity to meet many of the citizens of Golden and felt the part-time role with the Foundation was the perfect foray back into the workforce.




Brian has coached both his children in baseball and soccer and volunteers in the classroom and with the PTA.  He is also an active bicyclist, swimmer, skier and runner and is teaching his kids to love the outdoors as well.  His wife, Julia Atkins is a local Family Physician at New West Physicians in Golden.


Brian has handed over management to Heather Schneider. We wish him the best in his new endevours.




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